We work primarily with refineries owned by national oil companies, oil majors, independent oil refineries,
airline companies, power generation plants, shipping companies and other business end users. We focus on
all members of the supply chain from the refineries to the end users, such as using best in class logistics
whether it’s a Tank storage, Vessel, Barge to move oil efficiently and effectively.
We are a Solution-Minded, Performance-Driven, and
Customer-Focused organization and are committed to continually
improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System by
adhering to the world- class manufacturing principles and continuous
quality checks.
We believe performance excellence will drive the results that
differentiate us from our competitors. We establish and
communicate clear expectations and continuously look for new
ways to improve our products, services and processes.
We believe integrity is the foundation of our individual and corporate
actions that drives an organization of which we are proud. We honor our
commitments and are responsible corporate citizens keeping promises,
dealing fairly, being consistent and transparent.
Health & Safety
Our goal is to have zero fatalities and no incidents supporting our
belief that all incidents are preventable. We are committed to
promoting, creating, and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace
and to improving the environmental quality of its operations.